You attach a hose to it and put it down the waste pipe (fortunately when I did the plumbing I put in a lot of cleanout Ts just in case) until it hits the blockage. Then when you turn on the water in the hose the black rubber inflates and seals the pipe above the blockage while a narrow high pressure stream of water comes out the end which both blasts the blockage and builds up pressure behind it forcing it down the drain and into the septic tank. I bought one and tried it out this morning. Then I started the washing machine and made a cup of coffee and started writing this blog post while I waited to see if the kitchen sink would gurgle. Nothing! It worked like a charm. So now I have to finish cleaning up and putting away the tools, etc. That is something I've determined I have to change now that I'm 69. I need to clean up after each job or task and really finish the whole job. Not something I have been good at doing. But who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Fixing the hose on the pool naturally was more complicated that it should have been because when I first attached the new tubing the fitting (also made out of cheap plastic for swimming pools) cracked in half. Fortunately I have a lot of miscellaneous plumbing supplies down in boxes in the basement and had better replacement part that should last. Finally the pool was fixed and after I vacuumed out the pool Dash, El, Wren and I were able to play in the pool again. That was fun and now the pool is ready for action when the Cousins arrive on Tuesday.
After a delicious Birthday dinner the kids insisted we make a fire outside and cook marshmallows and have our homemade strawberry-rhubarb pie (made with fresh strawberries and rhubarb from our garden)
For my birthday Marianne had printed a new batch of Swordfish Harpooner sweatshirts and T-shirts.
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