Sculpture Peace Turtle Medium size

Peace Turtle

4"h x 29" x 34" long

  For casting we will only need a one piece mold.  The cast turtles should just be the the thickness of the casting.  The outer edge is 2" wide and the top bars are 1 3/8" wide.

This is a cast I made 
This is the original


Tom Maley Icarus Weather Vane

Icarus Weather Vane
Tom Maley
27" high x 42" long x 10" wide
Fiberglass over foam and plywood



Cross Country Skier Sculpture info

Cross Country Skier
8" x 8" x 14"

Sculpture - Dog for "Fourth of July" Info

Dog for "Fourth of July"   Info

nose to tail length         59"
tip of tail to ground level    45"
shoulder width                    13"

    middle of tail                    5 3/4"
    middle of back                10 3/4"
    middle of neck                  8"
    bicep                                  8"
    below knee                        7"

Sculpture Lying Lady info and pics

View from above showing dimentions

3 Lying Ladies - cold cast bronze in center

Lying Lady is in the Baker Museum collection in Naples, Florida

On 2/10/17 9:29 AM, wrote:

My name is Silvia Perea. I am an architect, Ph. D, and the curatorial research associate of The Baker Museum, in Naples, Florida. We have a piece by you in our collection and I'd like to complete your biographical information. Could you please tell me your country of origin and date of birth?
Thank you.
Silvia Perea


Greetings Silvia,
    It is always nice be in another museum's collection.
    Can you send me a picture of the piece and some information about how it ended up in your collection?
    It has been a busy year form me installing two large bronze sculptures in public spaces on Manhattan and on Martha's Vineyard.
Here is a link to a nice article in the Martha's Vineyard Times about the VIA57 Swinging Jenny:
  Here are links about installing the Swordfish Harpooner in Menemsha on Martha's Vineyard:

    I will get back to you soon with the info you have requested.

Best Regards and thanks,

On 2/10/17 10:11 AM, Silvia Perea wrote:
Hi Jay,

Thanks for your prompt response and for sending the info on your current work. Congratulations on the installation of the Swordifsh Harpooner! It’s a very powerful piece.

The sculpture we have in our collection is Lying Woman (1991). Olga Hirshhorn donated this work to the museum in 2013.

At your earliest convenience, could you please send us your date of birth and country of origin?

With appreciation,



Greetings Silvia,
    That's wonderful.  Olga was one of my earliest supporters.  If I am thinking of the right piece, that "Lying Lady", as I call it was the first piece I ever sold out of a gallery.  I got to know Olga and we had coffee at her house in Vineyard Haven.  She showed me her collection.  It was very eclectic and lots of fun for me.  It was simply what she liked when she saw it.  No recognizable names, at least to me,  just what she enjoyed having in her house. 

    In  2013 I made a large version of the Lying Lady for Zack Schiller, a movie producer.
Here are 3 of them at his Beverly Hills residence.

    The next year I showed it at the Academy Art Museum in Easton, Maryland.


Yours is made from casting black magnetite sand that occasionally washed up on the south beaches of Martha's Vineyard mixed with resin.
I was born in New York City on June 14, 1944.
PS  Do you have a picture of Olga's piece?  I would love to have it for my records.


Subject: Lying Lady Image
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 20:17:00 +0000
From: Carla Kohl
CC: Jacqueline Zorn

Dear Mr. Jay John Lagemann,

Silvia Perea forwarded on your contact information and your request for an image of the permanent collection object that we have of yours. Attached to this email you will find a JPG of the below work:

Jay John Lagemann (American, born 1944)
Lying Lady, 1991
Casted black magnetite sand mixed with resin
1 x 8 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches
Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum. 2013.1.118. Gift of Olga Hirshhorn.

Please let me know if you need anything else or have any questions.

All the best,
Carla Kohl
The Baker Museum

                 Home of The Baker Museum
                 and the Naples Philharmonic

Sculpture - Large Peace Turtle

Large Peace Turtle

Oval is 63" long by 50"  and is 6" wide
Total length (tip of head to tip of tail) 91 1/2"
Total width (tip of front flipper to tip of other front flipper) 93"
Height  10"

For casting we would just want to cast of the top side of the Peace Turtle and the rounded edges which would be about 3/4" wide.  The parts in the picture below the red lines (marked with blue stripes) will NOT be in the final casting.  Thus the final casting will have U shaped cross section (with the U being upside down).  Thus only a one piece mold would have to be made.

Sam and Malia Race at the Tour de Chittenden

      It was a beautiful winter day.  Sunny, in the mid 20's with little wind.  Perfect for a Cross Country Ski Race.
     The Tour de Chittenden had about a score of High School teams competing after the earlier Bill Coch League Races.  It was a very nice scene with healthy, happy kids working really hard and showing grace and good sportsmanship.  Here is a short video I made of the Race.  My Grandson Sam is #8 and my grand daughter Malia is #19.  Sam, a Junior finished 2nd and Malia finished 7th.

JV 50 Christmas Special 2002 ©